Subject: Re: [RECL] Welcome, all!

From: Dale Mize
Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 13:54:25 -0500


I had given up on recorders because I always had to start over. I didn't see
my 3-5 kids enough to make much progress.

However, since we became an academy, adding 6th grade, I have an elective
where I see them every day. (I only see them half the year, though. The
other semester they have the computer lab.)

And recorders is a big part of my curriculum, even though they are basically
beginners. I have used Artie's Recorder Express with other songs from MK8,
etc., but this year Recorder Classroom is becoming a new focus.

I have to say "A Questionable Alliance Of Warm, Tasty Baked Goods" was a big
hit. I think they would perform this in a PTA meeting.

I do have a question about the downloadable part of the subscription. I have
logged on and downloaded the extras, but I haven't seen the place to
download the magazine itself.

Thanks for putting this together and keep it coming!


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 1:22 PM, Paul Jennings wrote:

> Hi, all...
> It's great to see some early life here.
> So... how many of you are already starting your recorder programs for the
> year? I've read hundreds of the Recorder Surveys from last year, and they
> are all over the place. So I'm trying to get a feel for the gang here as it
> grows.
> I'll also throw out a question or topic every few days.
> Great to have you aboard!
> --
> *****************
> Paul Jennings
> Plank Road Publishing, Inc.
> Publisher of MUSIC K-8 magazine & RECORDER CLASSROOM magazine
> Wauwatosa, WI
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