Subject: Re: [RECL]Pitch Notation - letters versus solfege

From: tusing4us at
Date: Wed, 03 Dec 2008 01:00:17 -0500

I love teaching solfeggio and pitch notation together. =C2=A0I have been a s=
tudent of EducationThru Music where we learn fun activities using solfege.=20=
=C2=A0Teaching both together is never an issue to me. =C2=A0Windsong recorde=
r book series teaches solfege and reading notes on the staff for recorders.=20=
=C2=A0It works as one. =C2=A0Joe Berraducci is the author. =C2=A0He has been=
my Orff Levels 2 for two years. =C2=A0I repeat alot. =C2=A0When I teach I u=
se both interchangeably. =C2=A0I use the solfege hand signs ala Kodaly and t=
each my recorder fingering mixed together. =C2=A0If a kid has a problem then=
I use the Orff method of stamp, patch, clap, and snap for my kinesthetic le=
arners. =C2=A0They get the entire ball of wax all the time. =C2=A0This is wh=
at music in my classes is like --- a smatter of this and that. =C2=A0Go for=20=


-----Original Message-----
From: Desirae Triplett
Sent: Sat, 29 Nov 2008 6:53 am
Subject: [RECL]Pitch Notation - letters versus solfege

I am a first year music teacher and I wanted to ask for suggestions on teach=
pitch notation. I started my Kodaly training and like the idea of teaching=20=
solfeggio to my classes, however I will soon be teaching recorders and I fee=
that letters are better for instruments, especially since that is what they=20=
learn in band. =20

I have been working with rhythmic notation thus far since the students had v=
little background or skills in
reading and performing rhythms. Our curriculum=20
leaves it open to the teacher to choose a system of notation to teach. I wo=
love to have them be familiar with both, but I think that would be confusing=
them. =20

Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. =20
Thank you.

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