Subject: [RECL]BAG DAY

From: sandra gilliom
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 07:59:52 -0700 (PDT)

Hello all,
I teach 3rd grade recorder in a school that is only 2nd and 3rd grade. I ha=
ve 13 classes=A0of 3rd grade and 14 classes of 2nd grade. Each music class =
is 30 minutes once a week. They come to me in a "music room".
Kids need so much playing practice. Every once in a while we have BAG DAY. =
I made transparencies of 15 BAG songs found in Recorder Classroom and from =
the Music K8 mag. They are listed by title on the board and numbered. I dec=
orated a big paper bag that says "BAG day" with 15 papers with numbers. Stu=
dents can choose from a title on the board OR draw a number out of the bag.=
That transparency goes up on the overhead. We talk about what we might nee=
d to watch out for (where are the rests, any rhythm that might be troubleso=
me, repeats, 1st ending, 2nd ending, how many beats to the measure, playing=
staccato, etc.) I have made a CD with all the songs. I select that song (f=
ull version) and off we go. Fun, good reading practice and way to teach new=
concepts. We might spend 15 minutes or less at the end of class time with =
this activity.
Windsor California

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