Subject: Re: [RECL]BAG DAY & Old John the Rabbit

From: Dianne Park
Date: Fri, 3 Apr 2009 17:45:10 -0700

I Love this idea. Will do it when the kids have BAG under their belts.
By the way, today I introduced the note E to a third grade class with Old
John The Rabbit. They played the "Oh yes" part on orff instruments first,
then learned how to play E (2 hands!!Wow!) and play it on recorders. They
really liked it, even though it was repetitious.
Dianne Park
General/Choral Music
Cherokee Point Elementary
----- Original Message -----
From: "sandra gilliom"
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 7:59 AM
Subject: [RECL]BAG DAY

Hello all,

I teach 3rd grade recorder in a school that is only 2nd and 3rd grade. I
have 13 classes of 3rd grade and 14 classes of 2nd grade. Each music class
is 30 minutes once a week. They come to me in a "music room".

Kids need so much playing practice. Every once in a while we have BAG DAY. I
made transparencies of 15 BAG songs found in Recorder Classroom and from the
Music K8 mag. They are listed by title on the board and numbered. I
decorated a big paper bag that says "BAG day" with 15 papers with numbers.
Students can choose from a title on the board OR draw a number out of the
bag. That transparency goes up on the overhead. We talk about what we might
need to watch out for (where are the rests, any rhythm that might be
troublesome, repeats, 1st ending, 2nd ending, how many beats to the measure,
playing staccato, etc.) I have made a CD with all the songs. I select that
song (full version) and off we go. Fun, good reading practice and way to
teach new concepts. We might spend 15 minutes or less at the end of class
time with this activity.

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