Subject: Re: [RECL]Hi Everyone!

From: Jennifer S.
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2009 19:43:16 -0500

At 06:11 PM 10/24/2009, you wrote:
>Do they hold the bottom of the recorder in their right hand then? When they
>push up, does the recorder go further in to their mouths?

I wondered about this too. I don't allow my students to have their
right hand anywhere but in the correct position. I find many of them
want to do the weird "flip the right hand over and hold the bottom of
the recorder" thing. When they test for belts, they must have their
right hand in the correct spot even if the song they're testing only
uses the left hand.

Jennifer Schroeder Music/Choir K-12
Fall River, WI

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