Subject: [RECL]Why is covering the holes so hard

From: Sue Roessel Dura
Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2009 18:58:35 -0600

Thanks Martha Stanley for asking about this (below). I don't know the =
answer to
yours, but it brings up mine ;-) I notice that some kids just cover the =
and others are a mess. Some give up before they get it; others never =
give up,
finally get it and can then play everything we've learned so far. So I =
give up on them.=20

My theories: =20

Their grip is so tight it causes the leaks.

They don't feel the holes.

They think that 'a' means only putting finger 2 down and they can forget =
about 1

Their thumb doesn't stay in place.

Their recorder is not held properly, causing fingers to wiggle away from =
they belong.

Their hand position is not conducive to keeping holes covered.

Their other fingers are curled or tense and pulling the 'working' fingers=
from their holes.

I check for all of these and have devised 'solutions', but can you think =
anything else that might be addressed?

On Tue, 3 Nov 2009 18:19:53 -0500, you wrote:

>After reading about putting wikkistix (sp?) or bendaroos around the =
holes of
>the recorder for kids who are having physical trouble covering them, I
>finally bought some.
>I put the .... well, they're thin twine covered with wax and kids use =
>to make sculptural items..... stuff around the top 4 holes of my =
>to try it out.
>Okay - I get the feeling. What I want to know is ... is there anything =
>I should know or should tell the kids who try this?
>Language used, etc.?
>I think it's gonna work.

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