Subject: [RECL]Squeaking Recorders

From: Jennifer S.
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:27:44 -0500

(I sent this to MK8 and then thought I ought to send it here too!)

I wanted to share that I found a great way to explain to kids why
squeaking or blowing the recorder too hard (or even just playing out
of turn) is not an "accident" as many of them try to claim.

I said squeaking or blasting or playing out of turn is not an
accident. You know why? You had to do 3 things to make that
sound. You had to pick your recorder up, put it to your mouth and
blow. That's 3 things. An accident is one thing. If you trip on a
crack in the sidewalk, that's one thing. If you drop your soda can,
that's one thing. Those are accidents. Three things is NOT an accident.

I was so proud of myself, I wrote it down so I'd remember
it! LOL! Now, if someone here had said it first, and I'm just
thinking I made it up, please forgive me! But the kids really seemed
to get it, and I was excited to have something new to say other than
"stop it!"

Jennifer Schroeder Music/Choir K-12
Fall River, WI

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