Subject: [RECL]A new page about the great American composer Tui st. George Tucker and her recorder music

From: Drora Bruck
Date: Sat, 6 Aug 2011 10:13:00 +0300

In the process of accumulating a catalogue of all FREE music for recorders
on line, I had started createing seperate pages for composers - with links
to their bios, photos and online free music.
As I progrss with this work, I shall try to connect to every piuece all the
information I can find on line - and try to slowly add articles to seperate
pieces. The main catalogue shall be in English. The articles will be in
English too, yet some will have links in Hebrew.

I present you this page about Tui st. George
Head of the Early Music Department, The Israeli Conservatory of Music, Tel
Performance Department, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance
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