Subject: RE: [RECL] Funding Your Consort

From: Melissa Marchman
Date: Wed, 17 Sep 2008 08:04:49 -0500

Thanks for all of the wonderful ideas for funding. I know of 3 great =
organizations in our town that could possibly help. I just need to fill =
out the wonderful paperwork that explains the need - with the offer to =
perform for them after we learn to play the "new" instruments! You =
mentioned several resources I had not considered. =20

I don't write often but I have thoroughly enjoyed learning new ideas =
from all of you! Thanks so much.
Antioch, Ill

-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Sue Roessel Dura
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2008 6:57 AM
To: Recorder_Classroom
Subject: Re: [RECL] Funding Your Consort

Oh yes - I won 2 dozen sopranos for our American Recorder Society =
prize for Play-the-Recorder month! Sometimes the prizes are music or =
the larger
instruments. I charged the kids the same amount for the freebie =
sopranos (I do
offer scholarhsips if they can't afford one) and had enough to buy a =
Best, Sue

>Also, don't ignore any educational foundations you might have. I got =
>tenors, three altos, a couple of sopraninos, and a bass from a grant I =
>to a local education foundation.
>Karen Stafford
>-----Original Message-----
>From: [] On
>Behalf Of Paul Jennings
>Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 6:41 PM
>To: Recorder_Classroom
>Subject: [RECL] Funding Your Consort
>>I've hooked up with the local Optimist Club and our American Recorder
>>chapter and they have been very generous in supporting my program =
(well I
>am a
>>member of both too). The parents pay for the recorders and music=20
>>and I get them
>>to pay the same amount if their kids stay on soprano or more if they =
>>alto or tenor. That adds money to the pot for the larger=20
>>instruments and we now
>>have 2 tenors and a bass for the program. Anyway, check with your =
>>that support youth programs: American Recorder Society, Optimist, =
>>Civitan and maybe more.
>>Hope this helps!
>Sue, I'm so glad that you bring this up. Recorder groups can make a=20
>lot of community friends, especially for special events and the=20
>holidays. Teachers shouldn't be afraid to let local community groups,=20
>malls, et al, that they are raising funds to purchase instruments. A=20
>couple hundred $ may seem like small stuff to the Rotary or Elks, but=20
>it will be great for your purchases.
>And while this may be a little counter to Plank Road's sales, let me=20
>say that for some things, eBay can be a good source. You have to hunt=20
>and read carefully, but occasionally you can find a good bargain=20
>there, especially on larger instruments that may have been hiding in=20
>the closet for years. But read carefully, look at the seller's=20
>ratings, and study the pictures for problems.
>Where there's a will, there's a way.
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