Subject: Re: [RECL]Beginner woes

From: Elissa Reichstein-Saperstein
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 11:06:59 -0700 (PDT)

Doesn't practice or CAN"T practice....or practices but is afraid to admit it (or embarrassed) can try to add Wiki stix to the holes (thumb and B) and you can also make a mute for her recorder to soften the sound a bit.

Or...I guess you could speak to her folks about asking her to "quit" for awhile until she gets better...or, You can ask her to volunteer to be the "manager" or the "Techie" or the group officer, etc. she can turn the music on and off, she can do attendance stuff or work on creating a program (using a computer) during rehearsal, she can also work on posters or "cover art" for the group, etc.

Hope some of these ideas help you out, I don't think you feel comfy asking her to quit, or you probably wouldn't have asked maybe some of these ideas will help ALL of you.


--- On Thu, 9/18/08, Sue Roessel Dura wrote:

> From: Sue Roessel Dura
> Subject: [RECL]Beginner woes
> To: "Recorder_Classroom"
> Date: Thursday, September 18, 2008, 1:59 PM
> Hi Folks,
> I'm starting a bunch of 4th grade beginners and after 4
> lessons all of them can
> play Hot Cross Buns, most of them can play Merrily. But
> one student can't play
> a B by herself yet. I've had students before who have
> trouble covering the
> holes, but this one seems totally unable. I've placed
> my fingers over hers so
> she can feel how the holes should be under her fingers and
> she can then play a
> B, but as soon as I let go, she looses it.
> Since we are all volunteers at this endeavor, should I
> encourage her to quit?
> The noises she makes make it hard for the others to hear if
> they are together
> and in tune. I told the parents and kids that 10 minutes
> practice a day is a
> requirement and she admitted she doesn't practice.
> Best, Sue
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