Recorder Classroom, Volume 2 (2009-10)
Volume 2, Number 1 - MUSIC: Fanfare For A New Planet; Cloud 10; Scarily We Troll Along; The Way We Roll; Peaceful River; Hungarian Rhapso-B; ¡Viva Chihuahua!; Arrivin'; Dexter's Dance - Consort/Dragon Family Edition; Dexter's Dance - Rockin' Solo Edition; The Big Boing Theory; Artie's First warm-Ups: Excellent Ears! ARTICLES AND FEATURES: Fun For The Recorder, About The Music, Dexter The Dragon Gets His First Recorder, Dexter The Dragon Teaching Notes, Idea Bag, Recorder Dude Rides Again, Alternate Fingerings.
Volume 2, Number 2 - MUSIC: B-ginning; A-Good Start; G-This Is Fun; Symphonic Prelude On A Christmas Spiritual; Frosty Morn; Ode To Joy; Still, Still, Still; The Old Clockmaker; Intermezzo; Over The River; Spin The Dreidel; Squanto's Song; Pat-A-Pan; Turkey In The Pond. ARTICLES AND FEATURES: Fun Foundations For Recorder, About The Music, Squanto's Journey, Squanto Teacher's Guide, Idea Bag, Dressin' The Dude, Alternate Fingerings.
Volume 2, Number 3 - MUSIC: Brazilian Bobsled; Sage And Taylor's Wag Time Band; Cheesy Feet (Swingin' Edition); Cheesy Feet (Really Funky Edition); When The Saints Go Marching In; When De Saints; When The Saints Go Marching In; Takin' It Easy; Ice In The Air; E-Z, Chee-Z; Eggs Over E-Z; Act Your A-G-E; Synco Song; Ds Are Dangerous!; How Long Can You Go?; Up And Down In 5-Note Town; Khulinov (Coolin' Off); Do The Zippy Toad Slide. ARTICLES AND FEATURES: Fun Foundations For Recorder, Jazz Unit, Idea Bag, Ragtime, A Teacher's Guide To Ragtime, Recorder Fingering Filler, Alternate Fingerings.
Volume 2, Number 4 - MUSIC: Down By the Sally Gardens; MacGroover; Bransle de Champagne; Skippin' Along; Scarborough Fair; Saddle BAG; Drifting Slowly; Robot Rumble; Under the Radar - 4/4 Time; Under The Radar - 3/4 Time; Stepping and Skipping; Watch Your Step!; C Scale Exercise #1; C Scale Exercise #2; C Scale Exercise #3; Technical Challenge - C Scale #4; Thoughts Of Summer; Twinkle, Twinkle Little Toad. ARTICLES AND FEATURES: Fun Foundations For Recorder, About The Music, Interactive Whiteboards In The Recorder Classroom, Idea Bag, Alternate Fingerings.